2 min read

What is ElonGate Crypto and How to Buy it on Binance?

What is ElonGate Crypto and How to Buy it on Binance?
Photo by Kanchanara / Unsplash

The basic purpose behind every crypto has always been investment, profit, and money. Would you like to know about a crypto coin whose profit goes for donation? The ElonGate coin is the one. Let’s talk about the unique ideology behind the unique coin and know how to buy ElonGate crypto?

What is the ElonGate Coin?

Coincidences are not always bad. The ElonGate coin is an example. Just like Dogecoin, a random meme became the reason for ElonGate's emergence. In March 2021, Elon Musk posted a meme: “If there is any scandal about me then name it as Elongate”. It gave rise to the evolution of the ElonGate coin.

The ElonGate coin is a cryptocurrency based on Binance smart chain. It is a new crypto coin that gained popularity swiftly. It was launched with a noble purpose. Ideology was to distribute the funds among philanthropic people obtained on the exchange after trading. Exchanges earn a huge amount of profit as a result of transaction and gas fees. ElonGate decided to use these interests for the betterment of society. This theme had brought a huge change in the ElonGate revenue graph.

ElonGate Value

Starting price of the ElonGate coin on pancake swap was $0.000000084 in April 2021. The value increased to $0.000001000 per token. Those who have a mind of investing in ElonGate than two platforms are best: Binance and Ethereum. On Binance smart chain, one can find ElonGate as BEP-20. On Ethereum, one can find Elongate as ERC-20.

Which is the best platform for ElonGate trading? Crypto investors who are interested in buying ElonGate coins must want to know which should they choose between Binance and Ethereum. Let us solve your dilemma. Binance is better than Ethereum. Why? Ethereum being a famous exchange platform consumes high transaction fees. If you want to save some bucks from transaction fees and spend them on trading then Binance is a good option.

How to buy ElonGate Crypto?

If you want to trade ElonGate crypto then you must know how to buy it. To make your journey of ElonGate trading easy let's see the steps for buying crypto:

Make your Binance Account

As we mentioned earlier, Ethereum is also a choice for buying ElonGate but Binance is better. So, it is necessary to have a set-up of a binance account. Usually, it is a time-consuming process because we need to wait for the approval. Once you are done with the account set-up hectic, go for buying BNB coins. If we want to buy ElonGate, the presence of BNB is necessary. More ElonGate demands more BNB.

Download Crypto Wallet

While trading on pancake swap, make sure that you already have an external wallet downloaded. Pancake swap supports the two best crypto wallets named: Metamask and trust wallet. Keep in mind, the initial download of Metamask provides an automatic link to Ethereum. We need to link Metamask with Binance smart chain after downloading.

Buy Token

After setting up everything, you are ready to buy a coin. It is an easy process. You just need to look for a good rate. After choosing a best seller and a price that does not exceed your slippage rate, buy the ElonGate coin and store it in your wallet.


After knowing about ElonGate coin in detail you can go to buying ElonGate coin on the exchange. Keep in mind the three easy steps: Binance account set-up, wallet download and buy ElonGate.